Motion within his eyelids,dreamscape tainted tall
Darkened desires, red thoughts and fantasies
Her ruby flecked eyes and lips had said it all.
Moonlight streamed through the open windows,
The wind billowing the linen curtain white, infused with silver
Alive, soaring, breathing out, exhaling, twisting sheets quiver
She saw him lost, lost in pain and pleasure shadows.
The boned walls, gaunt and splattered with invisible dreams,
The pulsing carpet stained with bleeding tears, little streams
Fingers clenched, the gasps the moans...and falling to nothing
The skeletal bed, clawed and enmeshed with silent screams.
She spread her black velvet wings and watching his twilight sleep
The silver moon beckoned, whispered of red veined promises to keep.
He would never dream or moan her Rubied name-
Lust for a stranger, twisted ecstasy, Blood of Life was her wicked game.