Writing per se should be an original, worth reading. Well, reading what seems to be deemed "worthy" is what makes writing itself appear subjective. What I may like to read and consider worthwhile is something you might not believe in at all. The result is a niggling, little displeasure at the back of your head, which grows into a full throttle migraine-like headache; if your self has been subject to someone's "worthwhile" pages and pages of utter bull discharged writing that would not even fertilise a weed root.
Talking about bulls and their faecal discharge- well I wonder why sometimes certain facts uttered; end up being termed as nonsense by the listening party, eliciting an explicitly enunciated- "bull*"! So, either we are paying homage to the glorious, ebony coloured, satin-skinned and bulbous nosed deity by sanctifying its discharged roughage; or we are nullifying something existing as concretely as water or maybe the sun. So they do exist; or you do spend your days in a rubber padded room-straight jacketed; or, you have unfortunately crossed over to the other side. So what I meant is that if "bullshit" is signified as equal to nonsense or a vague form of nothingness- then my dear, why don't you stand here for 10 minutes while I coax the bull to defecate on your shoes. The other option is that I empty a whole bucketful on you as proof. In either case, if you do posses the olfactory sense, you would have realised that nature does not make Chanel N 5 for free; or you would have bathed in it literally. And, if you do not possess the sensory organ, then the soft, thick and dark, goop of nutritiously rich manure is being applied on you as the latest bio-degradable version of 'plaster of Paris' for the sake of modern art. Either ways, I DO give you the choice to confirm its existence. Or, you might take the liberty of saying that bullshit or nonsensical equivalence does exist, but only in a parallel dimension. If you insist, give me half an hour to add a bottle of cod liver oil to my pet's digestive canal. If the post cod liver ingested bull and its diuretic discharge on your esteemed soles and broles, elicits a yell, I will simply defend my case saying that what was termed erstwhile nonsense by you, cannot exist in our dimension according to your viewpoint- therefore Q.E.D. If you admit that it does, I will say that it is now as a fragrant and moisturising lotion in the same dimension where you initially thought it existed.
Anyway, it is toast and tea time. Let me know if you would like to smell it or taste it.
I meant buttered toast, of course with my tea. Now, what were you thinking...?
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